A publication by Fraunhofer CSP in the journal physica status solidi a entitled Microstructural Analysis of Local Silicon Corrosion of Bifacial Solar Cells as Root Cause of Potential-Induced Degradation at the Rear Side made it into the journal's most downloaded papers in 2018-2019.

pss bifa PID
© Fraunhofer CSP
A CSP publication on PID susceptibility of bifacial PERC solar cells in the journal »physica status solidi a« was among the journal's most read papers in 2018-2019.

A publication by Fraunhofer CSP in the journal physica status solidi a entitled Microstructural Analysis of Local Silicon Corrosion of Bifacial Solar Cells as Root Cause of Potential-Induced Degradation at the Rear Side made it into the journal's most downloaded papers in 2018-2019.

The article reports about a novel PID effect in bifacial PERC solar cells: This damages affected cells by corrosion of the silicon underneath the passivating layers. The effect was discovered by Kai Sporleder, who is investigating the susceptibility of bifacial PERC solar cells to potential-induced degradation (PID) as part of his doctorate at Fraunhofer CSP.

Since the solar cells known as PERC+ with passivated emitter and passivated backside also allow light absorption through the backside of the solar cell, they are currently the most commonly used cell type of bifacial cell technologies.

See Article